Please answer Kyoto Marathon 2016 Questionnaire by March 21 (Mon)

Please be aware that Kyoto Marathon 2016 Questionnaires will stop being accepted on March 21 (Mon, National Holiday). In order to make next year’s marathon even better, we are asking for your cooperation.

To those who have already completed a questionnaire, thank you very much for your cooperation. We will do our best to make Kyoto Marathon better based on your answers.


    교토마라톤 엔트리 & 호텔 예약데스크

    JTB Sports Station
    (우)541-0056 오사카시 츄오구 규타로마치 2-1-25 JTB빌딩7층
    전화:+81-6-6267-5163(영업시간9:30~17:30 토요일,일요일,공휴일제외)